Saturday 16 August 2014

It's the little things

After a trying week at work, I am grateful for the weekend, even if

I started that about seven hours ago, then got to deal with an on-call which took up majority of my day.  I have no idea where I was going with that now, haha.  The perks of being the on-call social worker!   

This week has been pretty busy.  It's pretty easy to get swept up with work, putting in overtime, taking work home with you, pondering what you could have done differently in certain situations.  Practicing self care is essential - but admittedly harder when you're out of your normal surroundings and away from loved ones whom you normally talk to.  Thank goodness for Facebook.   In addition to having a tough week, I was also pretty sick, and as things were so busy at work, I didn't feel like I could call in.  It's only today I've actually started to feel better - I can't wait until I'm back to my normal.  And because shit happens in three's (or 33's) I also lost hot water and heat and internet for two days this week - so it was kind of hard to cheer up.  Glad that's over with!

This where it gets a bit hard though - because I feel like Nunavut is one of those places that you can't really understand unless you live here.  It's difficult to complain, and vent, and people offer very many well-meaning "solutions" and "can't you just"s, etc, but the thing is, more often than not, I can't.  Because this, because that, because Nunavut.    

I got this wonderful care package in the mail from a friend/fellow yoga instructor back home and it honestly made my week.  I was skipping through the grocery store, waiving it around and jumping up and down while opening it in the check out to see what was in it!  Chocolate!  A note!  Lunch when I get back to Toronto!  Totally uplifting. 
 As you can see, I was super eager to get this box open.

Another element of self care was finally treating myself to a pizza made at the Tujurmivik Hotel.  It seriously was the best pizza and definitely the best in the circumpolar world - and also it was the first meal in over a month I haven't cooked for myself.      

 Ontarians be like wah it's 15C and I'm all hahahaha shut up.
 This week was also the week I decided to surrender and actually dress appropriately for the weather instead of pretending like I'm still in Toronto.  And guess what?  My morning commutes were a lot warmer, which made me come to the office a lot less crankier!  Imagine that.  Fashion is out the door, let's start being functional.  I am from Chicago.  I don't understand why this is such an issue.  I should know better.  

Enjoying some coffee at the Tujurmivik Hotel after a stressful morning. 

I would also like to take a moment to express how truly grateful I am that I came here and met this extraordinary young lady.  She has been a huge help in my adjusting here, a fantastic colleague, and a wonderful friend.  We've gone out on the land, shared so much laughter, vented a tonne, and she's just one of those people who just has a perfectly ridiculous thing to say during a moment of stress, which ends in more giggles and laughter.  She's also a pretty talented throat singer, and has been teaching me the basics.  We recorded a pretty hilarious video on Friday of an attempt at several songs and I wish wish wish my internet was fast enough that I could upload it!  Perhaps when I return down south.  But anyway - her friendship was worth my coming to Igloolik, and I know that when I leave in September it's not going to be a "good bye" but more of a "see you later".  Cuz there's just some people who come into your life who are just too good to let go!  And this girl, she's the goods!   

Igloolik is also host to some insanely talented people, who are very eager to stop by your office to try to sell you All The Things. 

Like these earrings, made from soap stone.  Enjoy, mom :)

The carvers here are also excellent, and I've bought several things to take back to Toronto with me and already know where I'm going to put them :) 
This is exactly what I look like when I dance.  I couldn't not.  
The first carving is made from a white marble that's found on Igloolik.  I forgot the actual name of it (or if there is one).  The second carving is made from bone from a bowhead whale.  Both are incredibly gorgeous. 

And finally, my seal skin/fur slippers.  A client actually made these and I adore them.  

If anything, I can always admire the amazing view I have from my office.  The skies here in the "arctic prairie" are something I can't seem to get enough of.

I'll leave you with a nice shot of the hamlet I got the other afternoon.  I don't think I've managed to get too many of the town yet!  A more informative, thought-provoking blog to come - too tired today :)  


1 comment:

  1. I honestly would buy too many carving items from there. I love things like that ... especially from when I travel. :)
